Leadership Empowerment And Development
L.E.A.D. MasterMind MasterClass
Do you have a strong desire to accelerate your professional development, and take it to the next level?
Do you want to be more effective and successful?
Do you want to create a personal development plan?
This is a powerful & dynamic 4 Level MasterMind MasterClass that is designed to turbo-charge your business and leadership growth plan. It unleashes energy and engagement, expands self-awareness and deepens leadership skills
This is a GROUP of like-minded individuals who are committed to taking their leadership, business, organization, club, to the next level. This 4 Levels of MasterMind MasterClass will help you begin applying the leadership laws & principles into your life. You will learn techniques to make leading by principle a practical reality. These guidelines are meant to inspire individuals to build stronger teams and to become better leaders. Through dedication and application, you’ll have the opportunity to become better equipped in leading your team or organization to greater success.
There is a synergy of energy, commitment, and excitement that participants bring to a MasterMind MasterClass. These MasterClasses offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills by bringing fresh ideas and a different perspective as we study.
L.E.A.D. MasterMind MasterClass - Level 1
Duration 2 days (09:00 a.m to 05:00 p.m)
Who is this course for:
This is a fully comprehensive course for new, aspiring & seasoned leaders who want to unleash their hidden potential and develop their leadership skills in different areas of life.
Anyone interested in stepping up and leading change
This is not a course for people who seek shortcuts, guaranteed results, and an easy path
No requirements!
Just motivation to step up and be a leader, regardless of the sector that you work in or your level of authority.
You should be interested in self-development as a prerequisite to Lead others
This is a comprehensive Leadership Excellence Empowerment Program that focuses on core Leadership skills vital to modern Leadership success in the 21st century. It is designed to raise “the bar” of excellence in Leadership performance. It will provide you a platform of excellence which will serve as a benchmark for Leadership Training and Development. The program addresses core issues that face leaders, on a personal and organizational level.
Learning Outcome:
DEVELOP leadership skills that will put you firmly on the path to developing charisma.
BUILD trust with your workforce and to communicate in effective and meaningful waysDISCOVER the core skills for Leadership and Development of yourself and others
UNCOVER the core, key communications skills both with yourself and others to make you a successful leader
And more
L.E.A.D. MasterMind MasterClass - Level 2 & 3
Duration 3 days each (09:00 a.m to 05:00 p.m)
Who is this course for:
This is a fully comprehensive course for new, aspiring & seasoned leaders who want to unleash their hidden potential and develop their leadership skills in different areas of life.
Anyone interested in stepping up and leading change
This is not a course for people who seek shortcuts, guaranteed results, and an easy path
Must have successfully completed L.E.A.D Level -1
All great leaders, either current or past, have shown great leadership of themselves first, it is only through leading yourself to a point of authenticity that you can truly then lead others. No matter where you want to use your Leadership skills; in business, in a community organization, in a sports team or within your family environment, you must first learn to lead yourself.
L.E.A.D Level - 2 focuses on making you a true leader of yourself, developing the skills that ensure you know who you are and how you lead your own thoughts, communication & emotions in any situation.
Discover the core Leadership principles that have given the worlds greatest leaders the edge when it came to truly leading others.
However, this course is not just about principle and processes, we will give you real life, workable tools, and strategies that will help you develop into the type of leader you want to be for yourself and
Learning Outcome:
DEVELOP Rock Solid Confidence in Your Ability to Lead Others
INFLUENCE People and Situations With Greater Control and Accuracy
BECOME More Decisive and Make Better Decisions
READ People and Situations Quickly and Accurately
COMMUNICATE Far More Persuasively
BECOME a Self-Aware Leader
DEVELOP Your Integrity as a Leader
BUILD a Reputation You Can Be Proud Of
DISCOVER Your Core Leadership Values
TAKE Initiative and Move Your Career or Organization Forward Quickly
And more
L.E.A.D. MasterMind MasterClass - Level 4
L..A.D. MasterMind MasterClass - Level 2 & 3
Duration 3 days each (09:00 a.m to 05:00 p.m)
Who is this course for:
This is a fully comprehensive course for new, aspiring & seasoned leaders who want to unleash their hidden potential and develop their leadership skills in different areas of life.
Anyone interested in stepping up and leading change
This is not a course for people who seek shortcuts, guaranteed results, and an easy path
Must have successfully completed L.E.A.D Level -1
All great leaders, either current or past, have shown great leadership of themselves first, it is only through leading yourself to a point of authenticity that you can truly then lead others. No matter where you want to use your Leadership skills; in business, in a community organization, in a sports team or within your family environment, you must first learn to lead yourself.
L.E.A.D Level - 2 focuses on making you a true leader of yourself, developing the skills that ensure you know who you are and how you lead your own thoughts, communication & emotions in any situation.
Discover the core Leadership principles that have given the worlds greatest leaders the edge when it came to truly leading others.
However, this course is not just about principle and processes, we will give you real life, workable tools, and strategies that will help you develop into the type of leader you want to be for yourself and
Learning Outcome:
DEVELOP Rock Solid Confidence in Your Ability to Lead Others
INFLUENCE People and Situations With Greater Control and Accuracy
BECOME More Decisive and Make Better Decisions
READ People and Situations Quickly and Accurately
COMMUNICATE Far More Persuasively
BECOME a Self-Aware Leader
DEVELOP Your Integrity as a Leader
BUILD a Reputation You Can Be Proud Of
DISCOVER Your Core Leadership Values
TAKE Initiative and Move Your Career or Organization Forward Quickly
And more
Duration 3 days each (09:00 a.m to 05:00 p.m)
Who is this course for:
This is a fully comprehensive course for new, aspiring & seasoned leaders who want to unleash their hidden potential and develop their leadership skills in different areas of life.
Anyone interested in stepping up and leading change
This is not a course for people who seek shortcuts, guaranteed results, and an easy path
Must have successfully completed L.E.A.D Level -1
All great leaders, either current or past, have shown great leadership of themselves first, it is only through leading yourself to a point of authenticity that you can truly then lead others. No matter where you want to use your Leadership skills; in business, in a community organization, in a sports team or within your family environment, you must first learn to lead yourself.
L.E.A.D Level - 2 focuses on making you a true leader of yourself, developing the skills that ensure you know who you are and how you lead your own thoughts, communication & emotions in any situation.
Discover the core Leadership principles that have given the worlds greatest leaders the edge when it came to truly leading others.
However, this course is not just about principle and processes, we will give you real life, workable tools, and strategies that will help you develop into the type of leader you want to be for yourself and
Learning Outcome:
DEVELOP Rock Solid Confidence in Your Ability to Lead Others
INFLUENCE People and Situations With Greater Control and Accuracy
BECOME More Decisive and Make Better Decisions
READ People and Situations Quickly and Accurately
COMMUNICATE Far More Persuasively
BECOME a Self-Aware Leader
DEVELOP Your Integrity as a Leader
BUILD a Reputation You Can Be Proud Of
DISCOVER Your Core Leadership Values
TAKE Initiative and Move Your Career or Organization Forward Quickly
And more
Next Batch
Commencing Date: 23 June 2018
Minimum Number of Coaching Session Required 12 (6 months). If interested, you may continue with the Group Coaching or opt for Personal One-on-One Coaching
Sessions: Semi-Monthly (2 sessions per Month)
Class Schedule:
Batch A: Sunday 9.30 a.m (US Eastern Time) / 7.00 p.m (Indian Standard Time) or
Batch B: Saturday 9.p.m (US Eastern Time) / Sunday 6.30 a.m (Indian Standard Time)
Duration of each Session: 120 Minutes (Based on the number of participants)
Maximum number of participants per batch: 20
This program is live, instructor-led, and completely interactive
You will have individual and team challenges
You will have access to LEDGE Leadership Academy
All sessions are recorded and uploaded on LEDGE Leadership Academy for review
WhatsApp & email support
Private Facebook Group
Course Completion Certificate
Investment: Rs 30,000 (for 12 Sessions)
Imagine yourself surrounded by people who are positive, effective, who lift you up, encourage you, and share your vision?
As part of this group coaching, you will learn how you can apply the time-tested and proven Laws of Growth to unleash your abilities and realize your dreams!
This training will help you understand how personal growth really works, and how you can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual. You will learn how to build up your sense of purpose and become more successful in every area of your life.
To reach your potential you must grow.
To discover your purpose you need to grow in self-awareness.
To become a better human being, you need to grow in character.
To advance your career, you need to grow in your skills.
To be a better spouse or parent, you need to grow in relationships.
To reach your financial goals, you need to grow in your knowledge about how money works.
To enrich your soul, you need to grow spiritually.
The specifics of growth change from person to person, but the principles are the same for every person.
Ledge Leadership Masterclass 02
Duration 3 days (09:00 a.m to 05:00 p.m)
Who is this course for:
Anyone who is interested in career advancement seeking a high level of authentic leadership
Must have successfully completed Leadership Masterclass - 01
What will you learn:
Leadership Law 01: The Law of the Lid - Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness
Leadership Law 02: The Law Influence - The true measure of leadership is influence nothing more, nothing less
Leadership Law 03: The Law of Process - Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day
Leadership Law 04: The Law of Navigation - Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course
Leadership Law 05: The Law of Addition - Leaders add value by serving others
Leadership Law 06: The Law of Solid Ground - Trust is the foundation of leadership
Leadership Law 07: The Law of Respect - People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves
Leadership Law 08: The Law of Intuition - Every person possesses intuition and people are intuitive in their area of strength
Leadership Law 09: The Law of Magnetism - Who you are is whom you attract
Leadership Law 10: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 11: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 12: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 13: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 14: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 15: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 16: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 17: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 18: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 19: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 20: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 21: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Law 01: The Law of the Lid - Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness
Leadership Gold Lesson 01: If It’s Lonely at the Top, You’re Not Doing Something Right - Taking people to the top is what good leaders do. No One Ever Got to the Top Alone. Making It to the Top Is Essential to Taking Others to the Top. Taking People to the Top Is More Fulfilling Than Arriving Alone.
Leadership Law 02: The Law Influence - The true measure of leadership is influence nothing more, nothing less
Leadership Gold Lesson 02: The Toughest Person to Lead Is Always Yourself - We Don’t See Ourselves as We See Others. We Are Harder on Others Than We Are on Ourselves.
Leadership Law 03: The Law of Process - Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day
Leadership Gold Lesson 03: Defining Moments Define Your Leadership - Defining Moments Show Us Who We Really Are. Defining Moments Declare to Others Who We Are. Defining Moment Determine Who We Will Become.
- Leadership Law 04: The Law of Navigation - Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course
Leadership Gold Lesson 04: When You Get Kicked in the Rear, You Know You’re Out in Front - Know Yourself — This Is a Reality Issue. Change Yourself — This Is a Responsibility Issue. Accept Yourself — This Is a Maturity Issue. Forget Yourself — This Is a Security Issue
Leadership Law 05: The Law of Addition - Leaders add value by serving others
Leadership Gold Lesson 05: Never Work A Day In Your Life - Following your passion is the key to finding your potential. When a person doesn’t have passion, life can become pretty monotonous.
Leadership Law 06: The Law of Solid Ground - Trust is the foundation of leadership
Leadership Gold Lesson 6: The Best Leaders Are Listeners - Listening Can Keep Problems from Escalating. Listening Establishes Trust. Listening Can Improve the Organization.
Leadership Law 07: The Law of Respect - People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves
Leadership Gold Lesson 07: Get in the Zone and Stay There - Ask, “What Am I Doing Well?” Get Specific. Listen for What Others Praise. Check Out the Competition.
Leadership Law 08: The Law of Intuition - Every person possesses intuition and people are intuitive in their area of strength
Leadership Gold Lesson 08: A Leader’s First Responsibility Is to Define Reality - You can't define what you don't see. Admit your Weakness. Embrace Realistic People. Ask for Honesty from Others. Invite “Fresh eyes” to Check Me Out.
Leadership Law 09: The Law of Magnetism - Who you are is who you attract
Leadership Gold Lesson 9: To See How the Leader Is Doing, Look at the People - Are the people following? Are the people changing? Are the people growing? Are the people succeeding?
Leadership Law 10: The Law of Connection - Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand
Leadership Gold Lesson 10: Don’t Send Your Ducks to Eagle School - If You Send Ducks to Eagle School, You Will Frustrate the Ducks. If You Send Ducks to Eagle School, You Will Frustrate the Eagles. If You Send Ducks to Eagle School, You Will Frustrate Yourself.
Law of Growth 01: The Law of Intentionality - Growth doesn’t just happen. You must be intentional about your growth
Leadership Gold Lesson 11: Keep Your Mind on the Main Thing - Determine Not to Know Everything. Determine Not to Know Everything First. Determine to Let Someone Represent Me. Determine to Stay with Your Strengths and Not Work on Your Weaknesses. Determined to Take Charge of What Took Your Time and Attention.
Law of Growth 02: The Law of Awareness - You must know yourself to grow yourself. The first step in change is awareness, then you can change.
Leadership Gold Lesson 12: Your Biggest Mistake Is Not Asking What Mistake You’re Making - When it comes to success, it’s not the number of mistakes you make; it’s the number of times you make the same mistake.
Law of Growth 03: The Law of the Mirror - You must see value in yourself to add value to yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others and limit your own self-talk that is negative.
Leadership Gold Lesson 13: Don’t Manage Your Time Rather Manage Your Life - There really is no such thing as “time management.” The term is an oxymoron. Time cannot be managed. It cannot be controlled in any way.
Law of Growth 04: The Law of Reflection - Learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you.
Leadership Gold Lesson 14: Keep Learning to Keep Leading - If you don’t have a plan for personal growth, then don’t expect to grow! Invest in Yourself First. Read daily to grow in your personal life. Listen daily to broaden your perspective. Think daily to apply what you learn. File daily to preserve what you learn (Evernote good tool)
Law of Growth 05: The Law of Consistency - Motivation gets you going–Discipline keeps you growing. Develop the good habits that lead to success. Just showing up is 80% of success. Some people just don’t show up. You can beat them pretty easily by just being consistent in showing up.
Leadership Gold Lesson 15: Leaders Distinguish Themselves During Tough Times - The purpose of leadership is to take people where they couldn’t go on their own, inspire and equip them to do what they thought they couldn’t do, and accomplish what can only be done by a group working together.
Law of Growth 06: The Law of Environment - Growth thrives in conducive surroundings. If you are always at the head of the class you are in the wrong class.
Leadership Gold Lesson 16: People Quit People, Not Companies - People Quit People Who Devalue Them. People Quit People Who Are Untrustworthy. People Quit People Who Are Incompetent. People Quit People Who Are Insecure.
Law of Growth 07: The Law of Design - To maximize growth, develop strategies. Jim Rohn says: “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you will fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? NOT much.”
Leadership Gold Lesson 17: Experience Is Not the Best Teacher - We All Experience More Than We Understand. Our Attitude Toward Unplanned and Unpleasant Experiences Determines Our Growth. Lack of Experience Is Costly. Not Evaluating and Learning from Experience Is More Costly. Evaluated Experience Lifts a Person Above the Crowd.
​​​​Law of Growth 08: The Law of Pain - Good management of bad experiences leads to great growth. You must suffer pain to realize a gain. No pain, No gain. No investment, no ROI.
Leadership Gold Lesson 18: The Secret to a Good Meeting Is the Meeting Before the Meeting - The Meeting Before the Meeting Helps You to Receive Buy-In. The Meeting Before the Meeting Helps Followers to Gain Perspective. The Meeting Before the Meeting Helps to Increase Your Influence. The Meeting Before the Meeting Helps You Develop Trust. The Meeting Before the Meeting Helps You Avoid Being Blindsided.
Law of Growth 09: The Law of the Ladder - Character growth determines the height of your personal growth.
Leadership Gold Lesson 19: Be a Connector, Not Just a Climber - Climbers Think Vertical — Connectors Think Horizontal. Climbers Focus on Position — Connectors Focus on Relationships. Climbers Value Competition — Connectors Value Cooperation. Climbers Seek Power — Connectors Seek Partnerships. Climbers Build Their Image — Connectors Build Consensus. Climbers Want to Stand Apart — Connectors Want to Stand Together.
Law of Growth 10: The Law of the Rubber Band - Growth stops when you lose the tension between where you are and where you could be.
Leadership Gold Lesson 20: The Choices You Make, Make You - Successful people make right decisions early and manage those decisions daily.
Law of Growth 11: The Law of Tradeoffs - You have to give up to grow up. The difference between where we are and where we want to be is created by the changes we are willing to make in our lives.
Leadership Gold Lesson 21: Influence Should Be Loaned but Never Given - People Failed to Establish Their Own Leadership Using My Influence. They Took My Influence for Granted. They Were Unable to Build the Organization by Passing on Influence to Others.
Law of Growth 12: The Law of Curiosity - Growth is stimulated by asking Why? Ask more questions. The old saying: Those who can do will always have a job, and the people who know why, will always be their boss.
Leadership Gold Lesson 22: For Everything You Gain, You Give Up Something - To be an excellent leader, you have to learn to travel light. You must learn to off-load before trying to reload.
Law of Growth 13: The Law of Modeling - Find the people who have been there and done that and ask them lots of questions. It’s hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow. Find a mentor and look for a coach. You can’t learn from someone who hasn’t be
Leadership Gold Lesson 23: Those Who Start the Journey With You Seldom Finish with You - Not Everyone Will Take the Journey with You. Not Everyone Should Take the Journey with You. Not Everyone Can Take the Journey with You.
Law of Growth 14: The Law of Expansion - Growth always increases your capacity. Most experts believe we only use 10% of their potential. Wow! Scary and wonderful at the same time. We all have the capacity to grow ourselves.
Leadership Gold Lesson 24: Few Leaders Are Successful Unless a Lot of People Want Them to Be - Without a lot of people working together, there would be no successful leaders
Law of Growth 15: The Law of Contribution - Growing yourself enables you to grow others. You can’t give what you don’t possess. So first you must grow yourself to be able to grow others, the 14 other laws tell us how to grow ourselves.
Leadership Gold Lesson 25: You Only Get Answers to the Questions You Ask - Are you Investing in yourself? — This Is a Personal Growth Question. Are you Genuinely Interested in Others? — This Is a Motive Question. Are You Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do? — This Is a Passion Question. Are you Investing your Time with the Right People? — This Is a Relationship Question. Are you Staying in your Strength Zone? — This Is an Effectiveness Question. Are you Taking Others to a Higher Level? — This Is a Mission Question. Are you Taking Care of Today? — This Is a Success Question. Are you Taking Time to Think? — This Is a Strategic Leadership Question. Are you Developing Other Leaders? — This Is a Legacy Question. Are you pleasing God? — This Is a Faith Question
Leadership Gold Lesson 26: People Will Summarize Your Life in One Sentence - What will my legacy be?
Program Outcome:
This Program will help you:
Intentionally increase your personal and professional growth
Find the motivation you need to push forward each day
Help others on your team or family grow in their life and abilities
Become a lifelong learner whose potential keeps increasing and never gets “used up.”
plus much more!
Program Introduction
Potential is one of the most wonderful words in any language. It looks forward with optimism. It is filled with hope. It promises success. It implies fulfillment. It hints at greatness. Potential is a word based on possibilities.
What about unfulfilled potential? That phrase is as negative as the word potential is positive. An author wrote a story in her book about her father, who always wanted to be a singer but never was. She says he died with the music still inside of him. That’s an apt description of unfulfilled potential. Not reaching your potential is like dying with the music still inside of you.
This group coaching program is our effort to help you learn how to grow and develop yourself so you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be. You just need to be a person who wants to grow and become better than you are today. Our desire is to help you develop the right attitude, learn more about your strengths, tap into your passion, become more in touch with your purpose, and develop your skills so you can be all you can be.
This program offers laws that will teach you how to approach the worthy goal of growing. It is a key that unlocks the door. You will have to put in the work to actually grow.